Monument Cleaning and Restoration Services
Cemetery monuments are exposed to pollutants and often are breeding grounds for lichen, mold and moss. Black stains and biological growth on monuments obscure inscriptions and make an otherwise beautifully carved stone unsightly.
We always encourage families to contact us if they notice an issue with their family’s gravestone. As memorials are the property and responsibility of the lot holders as they are the owners of the memorials, the Cemetery is unable to use perpetual care funds to clean, repair or re-set monuments. However, Albany Diocesan Cemeteries offers free advice on how to safely remove stains and growths from all types of stone. We also offer repair, restoration and cleaning services using only the finest cleaning agents and best techniques to restore your monument and greatly improve its appearance.
If you would like to give the gift of monument cleaning, repair and or restoration, our restoration staff will put together a proposal for cleaning or full restoration of your family’s gravestone. Just ask, and we will be delighted to issue a beautifully designed gift certificate with your signed and paid contract for you to give as a truly unique and heartfelt gift.
If you notice an issue with your monument, please do not attempt to push or move it on your own! Monuments generally weigh 180-220 lbs PER CUBIC FOOT! Recently, after a winter frost had adjusted a families monument setting a few inches, the family tried to adjust the monument on their own. This resulted in the collapse of the monument and injury. Please contact us so that we can assist or advise you on how to safely accomplish the task.
For advice on how to clean your monument or to obtain a quote for a cleaning, restoration or re-setting by our trained staff, please call historian Kelly Grimaldi at 518-350-7679 or email [email protected]
“What a beautiful, professional job you did. I can’t be any more pleased than I am right now. I printed both pictures, and will have them to refer to, for my remaining years on this earth. Thank you very much for a job well done.
With kind regards, – J.L.”
“I am very pleased with the [restoration] work you did on my baby’s angel. Remembering how hard my husband and I worked on [cleaning] that angel with very poor results, I couldn’t believe what you accomplished. The stone looked like new compared to what it was. You certainly are very prompt with your work schedule. Thank you again for your services. – F.L.”
“The stone looks excellent. You did an outstanding job and what beautiful work. I cannot believe the difference.
I can’t thank you enough.
You have a talent that cannot be replaced. You should be smiling, as I’m sure God is smiling down on you.
I will show my brother and sister. They will be amazed.
I know you are really busy, but I will call (maybe Friday) to tell you a few stories.
Thanks tons, for such a wonderful job. – T.B.”

Albany Diocesan Cemeteries
Albany Diocesan Cemeteries are operated for the religious and charitable purposes of the Roman Catholic Church through the burial and memorialization of the faithful departed.