Specialized free library at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery shares books on grief support, healing & faith
The Little Free Library at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery in Niskayuna, NY is a specialized free library that shares books on grief support, healing & faith. This Cemetery was the first cemetery in the US to offer a Little Free Library. Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that connects communities by promoting free book exchanges. Our Little Free Library is a specialized library. The mission of the Most Holy Redeemer library is to share books of support to help cemetery visitors, young and old, heal from the loss of a loved one and to grow in their faith. Cemetery visitors are invited to take a book and to keep it or return it if they wish. The library is conveniently located near the cemetery office, next to the cutting garden.
For more information on Little Free Libraries and to check out Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery’s library on the world map, go to: www.littlefreelibrary.org.
Albany Diocesan Cemeteries
Albany Diocesan Cemeteries are operated for the religious and charitable purposes of the Roman Catholic Church through the burial and memorialization of the faithful departed.