Pastoral Care Ministry Mini-Presentation: Ministering in Times of Spiritual Distress
Please join us for a FREE presentation entitled “Ministering in Times of Spiritual Distress”.
Saturday, January 12th, 2019
9:00 a.m. to Noon
The Pastoral Center – 40 N. Main Ave., Albany
You can also view the presentation live at the six following videoconferencing sites:
- Our Lady of the Annunciation/Queensbury
- St. Edward’s/Clifton Park
- St. Francis de Sales/Herkimer
- St. Patrick’s/Catskill
- St. Mary’s/Oneonta
- St. Henry’s/Averill Park
The crisis of our time has left so many people in spiritual distress. In pastoral ministry, sadly, we often encounter such people. Please join Father Joseph Mali and Sister Kitty Hanley as they explore this topic and how not to lose sight of the “treasures” in darkness.
To register for this free presentation or for additional information, download a registration form here: or contact Maria Schollenberger at [email protected] or (518) 641-6818.
All faith traditions welcome.

Albany Diocesan Cemeteries
Albany Diocesan Cemeteries are operated for the religious and charitable purposes of the Roman Catholic Church through the burial and memorialization of the faithful departed.